4/5 stars
I liked this book.
I really
really did. Zombies that actually become scary is a
rare commodity in this world and let me tell you, when you live
alone, and you have cats with a penchant to knock things over
unexpectedly, this book becomes terrifying.

Told post the War,
World War Z does an exemplary job on describing events that
we, as a reader, need to believe changed our entire world. It isn't
just one country effected. It wasn't just one category of people.
This books spans a variety of cultures and gives voice to several
different groups who are now forever united together in a single
events that was meant to destroy them. In moments that are
blindingly terrifying, this novel portrays zombies in a refreshing
way. It does not spend hours focusing on how the zombies move or
give us countless images of them gnawing on torn limbs, blood
staining their face. It instead focuses on the survivors, what they
think, what they had felt during the time, who they were concerned
about and whether they thought the entire scenario was a joke or not.
This leaves countless things up to the readers imagination and in
this scenario, it works. This is the type of novel where less is a
hell of a lot more because what the brain can conjure is always going
to be much more personal and much more skin crawling, than what an
author can try to give you.
What I think
impressed me most about this book was that there was something for
every type of reader.
World War Z.
Brooks had a story for every type of reader here and switched
between voices with conviction and ease. That alone makes me sit
back in awe of him. He didn't just have one story he set out to tell
in this novel. He had dozens.

For example, I do not enjoy politics. When
that point in most novels is reached where the authors spends pages
going over a political structure or the on going push and pull
between two parties, I zone out. It is a necessary thing to have in
novels, especially ones that are trying to set up and brand new
world. Often you'll see me complain about this because I am not the
type of reader who cares how the world functions so much as how the
people inhabiting it do. My brain registers the hints of a political
rant or even a financial explanation, and starts to wander to more
exciting moments that I wish were taking place instead. Max Brooks
had his fair share of stories told from a politician or someone who
knew way more about economics or even how the business aspect of the
world worked. He also had stories about parents trying to keep their
children alive just one more day, computer geeks escaping from a four
story apartment complex, and pilots who became so delirious that they
could not explain how they even logically made it out of the war zone
alive. This type of story works in the structure that Brooks has set
up and does not detract from the overall enjoyment of
I am genuinely
excited to see the movie adaptation of this and am looking forward to
buying the audio book to enjoy this experience all over again.
War Z was a novel that I did not expect to enjoy, nor did I
expect the range of emotions that poured out of me while reading. It
is one of the first critically acclaimed novels that I've read in
quite a while, that actually lived up to its hype.
If you want to see what else I'm reading this month, visit here:
And don't forget to like me on facebook. Also, if you like the Zombie propoganda posters that you see here, visit their website. There are plenty more where these came from.
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