This morning I woke with the intention that I have every morning. To
write. But, as I poured myself some coffee and tried to wake up a
bit, I noticed myself easily getting distracted by things that really
weren't that interesting. “Oh, the person outside is sneezing too
loud. I should go look out my window and watch them for a bit.” or
“Last nights dishes in my sink look rather disgusting. I should
definitely clean them” or my favorite “Look at the pink nose on
my cat! I'm gonna poke it”. Things like that took precedent over
writing all morning long until about eleven o'clock rolled around and
I realized that this was ridiculous.
I then proceeded to agonize over whether I should just write the next
scene in my book or if maybe I should go back to the start and reread
what I've already written to get my head around the story. I've
started and stopped this novel so many times (which is unusual for
me) that I am worried I'm being a bit schizophrenic in my writing.
So, the logical way to fix that is to go back and read the 100 +
pages that I have written and see if what I have there is acceptable.
I even proceeded to start to do that before the lure of a shower
called out to me instead.
Finally, after my shower, and realizing it was close to one in the
afternoon now, I told myself that I was being pathetic. This is only
day two of my goal to write two to three pages of my story every day
and I was already about to give up. I had just wasted a good four
hours of my morning, on my day off, doing god only knows what because
sitting and writing just didn't seem like a task I was up to.
I forced myself, I am proud to say, to sit and write my two pages
today. Actually, I only wrote about a page and a half but I still
feel accomplished with it. I also now know why my mind was rebelling
over not wanting to write.
It was trying to protect me.
One day, when this is published, I will share this blog post again
and tell you what character it is that I am talking about, but for
now, the character will remain nameless.
I wasn't even two sentences into the scene when all of the sudden, I
was clutching my stomach and crying hard enough to shake. I didn't
even see it coming. There was no warning for these tears. My body
just reacted. I wrote the scene in question with watery eyes and a
strong urge to delete everything I was typing out. I want it on
record, I as the writer, was not okay with this death. But, I also
understand that it is what was needed for the story. In battle,
people don't come out completely unscathed. Tough decisions also are
not made if the situation around you isn't dire.
The Moors I imagine I'm looking over |
I barely made it through writing what I did and when I was finished,
I sat and sobbed. We're not talking silent and pretty tears. Maybe
one day I will make up a tale of my hair blowing in the wind as I
looked over the moors of an English countryside, grieving for this
lost character, but today I will be truthful. We're talking full out,
hold yourself tightly because you're afraid you are going to fly
apart, kind of sobbing. It hurt.
Afterward, while still weeping, I fixed myself a cup of coffee and
sat there for a minute, forcing myself to ask the question of whether
or not this scene is necessary. Did it truly need to happen? Yes.
Why did it need to happen?
I can't really answer that. It's just one of those things that I know
is right for the story and while the larger part of me wants to take
that scene, tear it apart, and fix the situation, hell, even kill off
a character that doesn't mean as much, I can't. It's an interesting
line to walk, really. The writer and the reader in me is rebelling
violently against this but my characters aren't allowing this to
So what does everyone think? Are there deaths in stories or TV shows
that you have rebelled against so much that you feel like you are
grieving them? Leave your comment below or on my facebook page and
let me know what you think.
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